There are so many stresses on the environment that many scientists believe we are in the midst of one of the largest extinctions that has ever occurred on earth. Add to that the fact that many of our natural resources are finite, instilling a sense of awareness and care for the natural environment is incredibly important for today’s youth. A generation without concern for the world’s precious ecosystems and natural resources may be the final stressor that pushes the world into a dangerous imbalance that it won’t be able to recover from. How can parents help kids be eco friendly, be caring stewards of the beautiful environment they live in?
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Eco friendly bedrooms for the newly weds
After the euphoria of the wedding and the honeymoon, comes the time for the young couple to settle into routine life. They may be moving into a new flat or house and will naturally have much to do when it comes to the interior decor. Two different individuals with different tastes in style will have to merge their preferences into one acceptable choice. This is where eco-friendly products can come into their bedroom as a neutral choice to start with. Recycled and sustainable material is all the rage now for any bedroom and the young couple can cash in on this.
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Going green is definitely the new trend, be it redecorating your house, making a fashion statement or even planning a wedding. Eco-weddings have gained huge popularity over the last couple of years and with more and more couples opting for an environment friendly wedding, the practice is only gaining more leverage and improving awareness. Having your dream wedding with an eco friendly theme in mind is easy. Listed below are 10 steps to go green on your wedding day.

1. Venue
One way to go green is to select the venue wisely. Go for an outdoor location which would match the theme perfectly well.
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