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May 28, 2009 by
Every week or so we use this space to feature a recycled note or three from some of our favorite online sources. This week we’re showcasing the beautifully designed and playful cards from AC Bohman Designs, a North Carolina based freelance designer with an etsy shop filled with unique recycled cards.
Here are just a few of my favorites:
Rad Father’s Day Card

From the seller:
This A2 sized card is made of heavy eco-white stock and flat printed with a vintage illustration (in black) and typewriter text (in red). Paired with a recycled kraft envelope and packaged in a clear archival sleeve.
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You can gradually reduce the carbon footprint of your baby with Baby Pottying or Elimination Communication. (Did you see the word “gradually” in that sentence?)
Gradually is there because you can ease into EC slowly, taking baby steps to gain your confidence and discover some EC tools with your baby to reduce your use of diapers in time.
Imagine if every baby wore just one less diaper each day because Mom and Dad are dabbling in baby pottying? That means millions less disposable diapers will be tossed in the bin.
EC, or Elimination Communication, is an ancient approach to baby hygiene that involves getting to know your baby’s patterns and rhythms of elimination so that, together as a cooperative team, you can “catch” some of their business in a potty, potty bowl or other suitable place.
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Written on
May 20, 2009 by
Every week or so we use this space to feature a recycled note or three from some of our favorite online sources. This week we’re showcasing the bright and artistic 100% recycled cards from Little Green Cards, an etsy shop based in the Pacific Northwest.
Here are a few of my favorites from the shop:
Birthday Beauty

From the seller:
I found this monarch butterfly during some travels and it was kept safe in a little plastic bottle all through Central America. I drew the wings and found some bright colors to recreate my find. Comes in two colors, pink and blue.
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Written on
May 18, 2009 by
Every day we are faced with many types of pollutants. It can come from buses, autos, smoking, factories, detergents, pesticides and more.
Although it seems as though the safest place to be at times is your home, you may not be entirely right. Many indoor pollutants can trigger a LOT of different health issues. Asthma, allergies and carbon monoxide are just a few of the issues your home many have.
Luckily there are a few things you can do to make sure the IAQ (indoor air quality) in your house is up to par.
In the Bedroom:
- Washing bed linens in warm water weekly and keeping a low humidity (30-50%) will keep dust mite levels low
- Dust mites also hide out in other places so wash stuffed toys, dust often, and vacuum regularly
In the Bathroom:
- Mold is the allergen here and can easily be remidied by proper ventilation.
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Written on
May 13, 2009 by
Every week or so we use this space to feature a recycled note or three from some of our favorite online sources. This week’s Recycled Note Of The Week comes via JustUsWomen’s etsy shop. While I was browsing her shop I was instantly taken by the simplicity and creativity in her stationary sets, comprised of repurposed paper from various vintage books and paint chip samples.
Tacking and Jibing Stationary Set

Mix and match this set of 4 cards and envelopes. These folding note are cut from 80 lb 100% recycled PC White Mohawk paper, which is manufactured with wind power! The paint chips are slightly distressed to add some texture.
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May is EcoDriving Month!
It’s a great time to learn to change your driving habits. Just small changes in how you drive can help you get better gas mileage. Not all of us can run out and by an electric car or a hybrid, so learning to drive better can make a real difference.
Here are some basic tips that can help increase your gas mileage-
1. Check your tire pressure. Properly inflated tires can increase fuel efficiency by around 3-10 percent.
2. Have a lighter foot. Slowly accelerate and decelerate.
3. Clean out your car. Extra weight will lower your mpg.
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Written on
May 5, 2009 by
As a birth and postpartum doula, and a natural parenting company owner who is expecting a baby in the next few weeks, I can’t help but write a post that mentions the “greenness” of homebirth.
I think that most of the time we focus on a lot of the other possible advantages to homebirth (such as lack of unnecessary interventions, comfortable atmosphere for the mother, and even affordability), but rarely mention how having a birth at home can also be a green choice for your family. So, I thought I would put together a few little green things to consider (which obviously should not be your soul reasons for choosing a homebirth, but they can’t hurt either):
– Less waste!
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Written on
May 4, 2009 by
Two weeks ago we hosted a giveaway carnival of sorts in celebration of Earth Day, offering five giveaways for readers to win, one for each day of the week.
After an AMAZING response, I’m pleased to announce the winners of each of those five giveaways. Ready? Here we go!
The winner of the Naked Binder Giveaway is commenter #23, Ikkinlala!
The winner of Glass Dharma Giveaway is commenter #79, Autumn H.!
The FIVE winners of the Seventh Generation Giveaway are:
- Commenter # 24, April!
- Commenter #56, Shari!
- Commenter #79, Mya!
- Commenter #150, Claudia!
- Commenter #340, Rachel!
The winner of the Through Endangered Eyes Book Giveaway is commenter #18, Mrs.
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