Written on
March 30, 2009 by
Over the past few weeks I have been doing a little rundown on what modern cloth diapering really looks like, and a few comments have been made with curiosity about how early my son potty trained. If you don’t recall from earlier posts, by 16 months he learned to pretty much exclusively go poo on the potty and by just over two-years-old he was fully potty trained (aside from nights).
Now, I must admit, these early results were prompted not only by our cloth diapering (which I do believe helped tremendously) but also by our elimination communication efforts.
So, what exactly is elimination communication (EC), you ask?
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Written on
March 27, 2009 by
Here are some of our favorite posts from around the greenosphere this week, to help start your weekend a bit greener.
Monday Inhabitat announced that MIO will be releasing a new green outdoor line for Target, set to be available in stores April 12th. The product assortment includes eight outdoor items made from recycled and renewable materials including a watering can, trowel, cultivator, weeder, mini herb garden, solar lights, hammock and composter ranging in price from $7.99 – $99.99.
Tuesday Dot Earth ran an informative article on climate change and its immediate and long term effects on polar bears.
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Around the Greenosphere,
For The Home,
For The Kids,
For The Office,
Got Energy?,
Green Outreach,
Green Thoughts,
Green Travel,
The Green Consumer
Written on
March 26, 2009 by
It’s probably pretty safe to say that there are more people on this planet eating chocolate, than fighting climate change. Sad but true. A more encouraging statement would be that there are definitely a lot of people out there that want to do more of both.
Although there are many brands of organic and fair trade chocolate on the market (just browse the candy aisle at
any natural grocer) and many of them are using their yummy products to promote good things, from the protection of endangered species to saving the rain forest, very few do more to impact their cause then spread awareness…until now.
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Written on
March 25, 2009 by
(This is article #3 in MacKenzie’s series What’s Up with Cloth Diapering? Read article 1 and article 2.)
So, after the last couple of posts on cloth diapering, you are probably wondering how you clean the sure to be nasty cloth, right? Do you have to dunk them in the toilet? Are they REALLY sanitary? Are they all stained? Do they stink? What do you do with them when you aren’t at home?
Well, I will tell you!
First of all, washing cloth diapers isn’t nearly as laborious or burdensome as everyone seems to think it is. Honestly, I spend as much time washing diapers as I did emptying the darn Diaper Genie!
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Written on
March 24, 2009 by
Every week or so we use this space to feature a recycled note or three from some of our favorite online sources. This week’s recycled note of the week comes from Melissa Kate’s etsy shop, home of cheerful eco-friendly linotype cards and prints.
Here are three of my favorite cards from her shop.
Little Birds In Love

A note from the seller:
These cards were hand printed on recycled cream flecked card stock. I designed and carved the linoleum blocks myself. You will receive 3 cards with 3 100% post-consumer recycled tan envelopes! FSC certified! Yay! The cards measure 4.25″ x 5.5″ (10.8cm x 14cm).
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Written on
March 23, 2009 by
With 297! comments our skeeda review and giveaway was our biggest yet. A big thanks! to everyone who visited both here and the skeeda site to support such a great green mom-owned business.
Now, onto our two! lucky winners (chosen at random) who will each be receiving a reusable skeeda bag of their choosing.
The first winner is: Commenter #286, Carra!

The second winner is: Commenter #34, Victoria!

Congratulations! ladies.
If you didn’t win today, be sure to visit www.skeeda.com to buy a few for your collection. At just $15.00 a bag, reusable bags never looked so good.
An original 5 Minutes for Going Green post.
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Written on
March 20, 2009 by
(This is the second article in MacKenzie’s series, What’s up with Cloth Diapering?)
So, from my last diapering post you know why I decided to cloth diaper.
Today I will show you what modern cloth diapering really looks like.
My very first stash consisted of only 8 diapers! Yes, it can be done, although I don’t recommend it! I ordered 2 of 4 different kinds of diapers (from left to right- Happy Heinys, Fuzzi Bunz 1.0, DryBees, Bum Genius 1.0) to figure out what we liked the best. I subsisted on this stash of diapers for two months before I bought 12 prefolds and covers along with snappis to lighten my laundry routine- but we will get more into that later!
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Written on
March 19, 2009 by
Pounding the pavement is hard on the feet and with the current economy there is a lot of competition! So, why not consider getting a little green around the collar when searching for potential career options?
After all, that’s how I ended up starting Eco-Office Gals and our new President Obama has hope that green collared jobs will keep Americans working and help the economy. The best advice I can give is this: figure out what it is you know how to do, do well, and love doing!
After you do that the world is the limit, and you’re no longer restricted to your local classified ads.
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Written on
March 18, 2009 by

There has been lots of talk in the past and even recently about how to increase your fuel efficiency. This talk is usually associated with gas mileage, but in places like where I live, that also includes power. Our power comes from a petrol generating plant. Gross, I know.
While saving gas is very important, where, exactly, does all of the information floating out there in cyber-space come from? Is it reliable?
The most quoted numbers are actually from a company subcontracted by the US Government to do these studies. The researchers are known as Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc. and helped compile most of the information on FuelEconomy.gov
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It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I LOVE to shop at thrift stores, but it wasn’t always this way.
When I was a middle-schooler, I absolutely hated it. I felt like it was embarrassing, something only poor people should do. If someone complimented a thrift store item I was wearing (which did not happen often, due to my complete non-thrift-store-related lack of stylishness) and asked where I got it, I would fib and say I didn’t remember. By high school, however, I had fully realized the awesomeness that is thrift shopping, and would gladly tell anyone who asked where I shopped.
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