I love getting emails from readers and recently, after I posted about Eco-friendly school lunches, I got an email from a reader asking a very “Eco” good question. Her older children don’t like to use the new earth friendly lunch boxes and wrap mats because they aren’t cool and nobody else is using them (more should be using them, grrr). That’s an issue so what is a mom to do? Her big question is whether she should use aluminum foil or wax paper and which one is safer and more earth friendly.
I answered, aluminum foil because it can be recycled and you can buy recycled aluminum foil.
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For the past few years, my family and I have gone to a local farm each fall to pick some of our own vegetables. For $10 per person (for anyone older than 3; babies and toddlers are free of charge), you go on a hayride to various vegetable fields (carrots, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, pie pumpkins, etc.) where you can pick to your heart’s content. We usually only pick enough to last us a couple of weeks, but not this year. Oh no. This is the year I’m getting serious about local food preservation.
That won’t be the only farm I will visit this year.
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When I realized I was ready to take the next step in my journey going green, I signed up for the Chicago Conservation Corps (C3) Leadership Program. Their mission is to recruit, train and support a network of volunteers who improve their surrounding communities and schools through environmental service projects protecting our water, cleaning the air, restoring the land and saving energy. After the initial orientation in late August, I was hooked.
Not since my college days wearing Birkenstocks and dreaming of the Peace Corps have I felt such a rush of pure optimism. Learning so much. Hands on helping where it counts.
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Written on
September 17, 2008 by

My children have spent literally every summer day this season outdoors. It has been my quick solution to quiet time in the house, a way to get the house cleaned and enjoy it for a few minutes, and also keep my children active enough to tire them out by the end of the day.
For the past few months, California has been on fire with many areas burning uncontrollably. People have been made to evacuate and relocate, eventually able to return to their homes, while others have lost everything. My family recently spent the day in a town on Saturday and by Sunday afternoon, it was on fire.
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You never know what yakking about green issues is going to elicit. Sometimes it’s a “give me a break already” but when my child’s Kindergarten teacher overhears me advising my neighbor about composting tumblers, she has a surprise in store for me. “Oooh!” she says. “I had worms in my classroom in Texas! Can you set me up with a worm bin?”
I’m totally excited and totally game. But I’ve never done worm composting in my house. What to do? First step? I read Worms Eat My Garbage. Great book, recommended by my sister-in-law, who’s a master organic gardener and 10+ year vermiculturist (is that even a word?).
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I have a confession to make. I want a tattoo.
I’ve always wanted one. I know that they are frowned upon by some. I know that they are not allowed by certain religions. I know that I don’t want my kids to consider getting tattoos until they are past 25. Hypocritical or not, I think that you shouldn’t get one when you are young because, unlike piercings or wildly colored hair, they are relatively permanent.
I turn 40 in one month, so that is what I’m giving myself. A tattoo. On my lower back so it won’t be seen by many – especially since I am not slender enough for a fan of low slung jeans and tiny shirts that ride up and show your booty.
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Written on
September 15, 2008 by
Got a green thumb but don’t have the green space? You don’t have to live on a farm or have acres of yard in order to add some green to your scene. Here’s how to go green without the green:
Contain Yourself: Bring the garden to you with indoor plants and window boxes that surround you in green without taking up any outdoor real estate. Container gardens can be used to grow your favorite plants and trees…and even a whole garden of vegetables. Check out Garden Guides for tips on growing veggies indoors.
Scratch It Out: Grow flowers in your sidewalk!
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So much interesting content to choose from today, especially in this week of emotional days and angry weather. Here are some posts that caught our eye:
The Simply Green channel at Sparkplugging is talking about the possibility of doing laundry without water. Be still my heart…
Green Mom Finds told us about a green socializing site where we can all go find people as crazy as we are.
I wrote about a way to help you clean up your indoor air over at Mama Speaks.
Green Me alerts us to the issue of flame retardants in pj’s.
And this one isn’t from this past week, but it’s important and awesome and should be read by all.
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I have mentioned several times on this website as well as my own, that my green living journey began with a better nutrition journey. In my mind now, these two go hand in hand. You simply cannot live a green lifestyle and put bad foods into your body. Once you become conscientious about what you do to the environment, you also begin to be conscientious about what goes in your own personal environment – the body. You start to read more about foods, read labels, cook with fresher ingredients and shop smarter. However, just because something is labeled “natural” does not mean chemically it is good for you.
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