I have a confession to make. I want a tattoo.
I’ve always wanted one. I know that they are frowned upon by some. I know that they are not allowed by certain religions. I know that I don’t want my kids to consider getting tattoos until they are past 25. Hypocritical or not, I think that you shouldn’t get one when you are young because, unlike piercings or wildly colored hair, they are relatively permanent.
I turn 40 in one month, so that is what I’m giving myself. A tattoo. On my lower back so it won’t be seen by many – especially since I am not slender enough for a fan of low slung jeans and tiny shirts that ride up and show your booty.
But – shh – don’t tell my mom. She never reads my blogs, and although, I did apply to be on the television show LA Ink, so if I do get picked (chances are slim to none) I suppose she would find out since she loves TLC.
In any event, can a green mom get a tattoo? If I talk and blog about reducing toxic chemicals in your home and the products you buy, including beauty products, is it hypocritical to choose to get a tattoo? Will that mean I’m not walking the walk?
I’ve been reading through the material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for the inks (actually, pigments) used in permanent tattoos. The MSDSs identify the ingredients used in the pigments. At least some don’t look too bad for a woman done with making babies. So, if you know the ink that is being used, it looks okay. And some pigments can be mixed with relatively benign carriers.
Unfortunately, I have also seen reports of inks intended for automobiles being used, and those contain known carcinogens. And some tattoo pigments can contain “bad” chemicals. It is NOT a well regulated field in terms of ingredients in tattoo pigments. So, red pigment can contain cinnabar and cadmium red, both toxic; orange & yellow can contain cadmium; green can contain lead chromate; and white can be lead white. Plus the carriers can contain propylene glycol or formaldehyde (a known carcinogen).
So, assuming I can work with a tattoo artist that uses safer pigments, is it okay to get a tattoo for a green mom? If my philosophy is smart mamas do it all naturally, can I get a tattoo? What do you think?
Read more from Jennifer on simple steps for non toxic and green homes, babies and kids from Jennifer at her blog The Smart Mama.
Original 5 Minutes for Going Green Post.
Go for it! If you are concerned about it being green – get ti done in green ink!! Just kidding. I got one done when I was 25 and I am still glad I did. It is small and can be easily hidden. Many people don’t even know I have one, including my mom and dad. :-)
Hiya! I just turned 32 last week, and celebrated by getting my first tattoo. It’s small, and can be easily hidden as well. Do your homework (it seems you have) and check out a few tattoo shops in your area. Most *reputable* artists have no problem disclosing the inks they use, and showing you the tattoo area. I say go for it!
I say “go for it” too! You’re only 40 once, this sounds like a great gift for “you”.
I say do it! I’m a green mom and I have one and planning on several more.
I have heard about vegan tattoo inks. I haven’t done much research on them but possibly they are less… chemically… than regular inks. It would be something to think about. I was thinking about using vegan ink on my future tattoos.
What kind of design where you thinking of?
Sea blossom? That is really pretty!
Tammi – Yes, Sea Blossom from Daniel Merriam. I like the little dragon/sea horse in the far right corner (well, far left actually but far right when facing) and also the face but not her boobs – they look strange to me! In any event, thinking 2 of the dragon/sea horse . . .
I too say go for it…I got my first one when I was 22, second two years later…I wanted one for my 35th birthday…then for mothers’ day…now I’m going to wait until I’m 40 (in two years) and get one over an ugly one I have…
Choose, but choose wisely.
It seems everyone is in support so do it and you better post picts!
I’m a henna girl myself…make it big, make it wild, it’ll be gone in three weeks… ;)
That said, well, I think a lot of things we do aren’t strictly ‘green’…on the other hand, that doesn’t make them bad. I think it’s important to consider quality of life along with quantity…I’d rather eat a few frozen twinkies along the way and die two years sooner than have a long, dull, twinkie-less life.
Being a green mama myself and sporting a tat – this thought has never even crossed my mind. Seems kind of silly now that I read your artiucle – just as when I started reading labels – it’s obvious – of course tatoo ink has chemicals.
I still love mine though and definitely think all folks who want one shoudl get one! Can’t wait to see a pic!
Okay, I’ve reached out to a tattoo artist – and she uses vegan, organic ink! Whoo-hoo – she’s going to send me the ingredient lists. All right now.
I’m a tattooed Mama who’s husband just happens to a tattoo artist! Looks like you’ve found someone but that was my rec. There are many artists out there that use vegan, organic inks which are so much better for your body. If you use those you’re good to go. If you go conventional my only tip would be to stay away from red. Good luck! And watch out, it’s addicting! :)
[…] One of my favorite posts last month from 5 Minutes for Going Green – Can A Green Mom Get a Tattoo? […]
I’ve read that many products that are called “organic” are made with a coal tar derivitaves – Since coal is a carbon compound, they technically are “organic.” With this in mind, I wonder if those “organic” products are really all that safe. Any thoughts?
First – Happy Birthday to you.
Second – Have a blast with your tattoo!
I love that you thought all this out before getting inked and frankly, thank you for doing the homework I’ll want to do one day. It’s been my not-so-secret-wish to get a tattoo one day too. I’m cheering you on!
I hear you Smart Mama. I’m a mom of 2 and have always wanted one too. Just worried that my kids will want one when they are really too young to truly make the decision. In any case, I think I will take the plunge one day. My hubby says I never will, but I might just surprise him. And I’ll do my research too to see if I can use safe inks. I live close to Miami Ink – maybe they do it. Post pics of your tat if you havent already.
Stalking Cat…
Dennis Avner, also known as “Stalking Cat” or “Cat Tiger” of Tonopah, Nevada, United States. He has done a surgical modification and tattoo on himself, making himself a resemblance of a tiger.
The Enigma…
Paul Lawrence, also known as “The Enigma” was a sideshow performer, musician and an actor. Paul who undergone body modification, including full-body jigsaw puzzle tattoo, horn implants, ear shaping, and multiple body piercing. Soon was married to …
The Unstoppable…
Pauly the Unstoppable, got the biggest stretched nostril in the west and many other body modification and tattoos. He’s been shot at, stabbed, fallen out from high building, run over by car, overdosed by accident and on purpose, set on fire, been fl…
The Thing is……
According to the “Marketing Intolerance”, “until 1967 it was against the law for a white man to marry a black woman in Virginia”, Seth remembered when he was 7.
Racial Discrimination is always the problem in our society that hinders unity. Th…
Allen Ezail Iverson in high school junior years played as a quarterback for the Bethel High School football team. He was born June 7, 1975, in Hampton, Virginia; an American professional basketball player for the Philadelphia 76ersDenver Nuggets (2006…
56 Stars, A Nightmare….
An 18 year old girl named Kimberley Vlaminck from Belgian hometown of Courtrai sued his tattoo artist Rouslan Toumaniantz. This happen when Vlaminck asks a 3 star tattoo from Toumaniantz, but the thing is He tattooed 56 stars on her FACE. The girl cla…
Sanjay’s New Tattoo…
An Indian actor (Bollywood), Sanjay Dutt got three new tattoos, said by a source close to him. A tattoo of a Tibetan Om, his birth sign Leo as well as a red-inked tattoo of the numerical one, done on his neck.
“Number one depicts the Sun god and it …
For Blind Tattoo…
How about this one, a project that helps handicapped person especially blind persons, to benefits on tattoo or to know a tattooed person. The Braille tattoo is a tattoo which is made by implanted beads to form Braille (for blind people to read and writ…
Tattoo Problem…
Tattoos have been used by most cultures way way back and recently have become very popular with both men and women. Most people who have a tattoo do not develop any problems. Home After care treatment can help speed up healing and prevent problems.
A …
Tattoo Instructions…
You can prevent problems from developing at your tattoo site by following procedure and information before making your decision to tattoo a part of your body.
Consider the social or emotional risk of having a tattoo. Many people make negative value j…
Leopard Man of Skye…
Tom Leppard or also known as “Leopard Man of Skye” was formerly considered by the Guinness Book of Record as the most tattooed man.
Tongue Piercing History…
Tongue piercing was practiced in a ritual form by the ancient Aztecs, Mayas of Central America and the Haida, Kwakiutul, and Tlinglit tribes of the American Northwest. The tongue was pierced to draw blood to propitiate the gods, and to create an alter…
Rose Tattoo…
The Rose tattoos have a surprising history and carry a good deal of symbolism. In the 16th century, rose tattoos were given to prisoners who were sentenced to death. Today, though, the meaning has undergone a massive change. Rose tattoos are now often…
Ear Lobe Piercing History…
The ear-lobe was probably man’s first attempt at body piercing due to the ease with which it can be pierced. The oldest mummified body in the world was found frozen in an Austrian Glacier in 1991, tests showed the body to be over 5,000 years old…
Devil Tattoo…
To many, the Devil — or Satan — is a direct symbol of evil and wickedness. But it is not understood that only a small number of people get Devil tattoos to symbolize evil.
In fact, many people get Devil tattoos to show their ties with the pagan wo…
Zodiac Sign Tattoo…
Most people usually get zodiac symbol tattoos purely as an expression of their belief in the art of astrology. Zodiac symbol tattoos are one of several ways a person can express their personal identity, and can show just one of many things that make t…
Pheonix Tattoo…
Phoenix tattoos are said to be the ultimate sign of rebirth and eternal life. To the Greeks and Egyptians, this symbol represented the sun dying at the end of a day and rising in the morning to be reborn. The phoenix is also said to live for five hund…
Skull Tattoo…
The Skull Tattoo is a symbol of life and death, or, somewhat, the understanding and acceptance of all things that come with living — even death. One of the most recognizable symbols is the skull and crossbones. This symbol is often used to indicate…
Angel Tattoo…
The Angel tattoos are probably one of the most requested tattoo designs today. From a simple design to complex wings and hands, angels come in all shapes, forms and sizes. People generally request an angel tattoo due to their deep and spiritual meani…
Polynesian Tattoo…
The Polynesian tattoos are an ancient art that has been receiving a lot of attention in modern times. Though few of us who are not from the Polynesian islands would be willing to undergo the painful and lengthy procedure that real Polynesian tattoos …
Japanesse Tattoo…
The Japanese tattoos history goes way back – they have been around for many, many years. This doesn’t mean on the other hand necessary and it is the right ones for you. They’re very big, often covering the entire back, they are quite expen…
Celtic Tattoo…
The Celtic tattoos are one of the most popular design choices. With their complicated weave, and such a wide variety of art to choose from, it is no wonder that such a different array of people have chosen it as their tattoo. The great majority of …
Kanji Tattoo…
The Kanji tattoos are basically ideographic characters. What this means is that each Kanji character represents a WHOLE object, idea, or meaning in a visually expressive way. Kanji’s are a popular choice among those seeking Japanese style tattoo des…
Peel on the Skin…
The Food and Drugs Administration has officially approved ZARS Pharma’s topical local anesthetic peel, lidocaine 7% and tetracaine 7% cream. A proprietary name has not been approved by the FDA. The anesthetic cream product is indicated for use in a…
Samoan Tattoo…
Did you know that… Sharing the Pain, In the Pacific island of Samoa a chief would pay for his son and other lower-ranking males to be tattooed in the same ceremony.
The tattooing ceremony was considered so important in Samoa that houses were ere…
Tattoo Removal…
Did you know that… Removing a tattoo can cost up to three times more than the design itself.
Tattoos last forever obviously and sometimes a tattoo can become an embarrassment in later life. Because tattoos lie in the deep layer of skin known as …
Star Tattoo…
The Star tattoos hold several meanings depending on the type and style of the star. A Star tattoo could be a sign of aspiration and goals that you have set in your own life that hold significant meaning.
Here are some examples:
Shooting Star Tattoo …
Tattoo Pain Watched…
Did you know that… The Chief at Sta. Christina by William Hodges, 1776, the severity of pain experienced when being tattooed depends on the location of the tattoo. The most painful areas are those where the skin is very close to the bone, such a…
Buzz Your Tats!…
Did you know that… The tattooing machine is based on the design of the doorbell.
The quick poking action of a tattooing machine, which injects the ink into the skin, is driven by an electric circuit very similar to that which operates the hous…
Combs for Tattooing?…
Did you know that… Samoan tattoo artists used combs to apply their designs.
On the Pacific island of Samoa, tattooist carried out their art by dipping the pointed teeth of combs into ink and placing them on the surface of the skin. The comb was…
Laser Tattoo Removal by: Dr.Tattoff…
Laser tattoo removal is a more effective way of getting a tattoo removed. Laser tattoo removal also can make far less time wasted on a treatment.
Best Tattoo Site
Topical Anesthetic Cream
Hapaee Tattoo…
Did you know that… A Night Dance by Men, in Hapaee by John Webber. Tahitians believed that the process of tattooing the body served to contain its sacred power.
The Polynesian view of the body differed from that of the Europeans. Polynesians bel…
Where to Pierce?…
Did you know that… There are a few basic things about where to get pierced and how piercings affect those areas:
Ears: The most basic site. The lobes are easier to pierce, soft and less painful. The tops of the ears, where there is more ca…
Most Tattooed…
Did you know that… The world’s most tattooed person is Tom Leppard from the Isle of Skye, Scotland, who has 99.9 per cent of his body covered with a leopard-skin design.
Guinness World Records states that the only parts of Tom’s b…
Pierce AfterCare…
Did you know that… After you’ve been pierced follow this easiest 123 ways:
1.) Your piercer will go over on how to care for your piercing or the aftercare. They should have a sheet outlining the instructions. Read this before you leave the…
Temporary Tattoo…
Temporary tattoo are always just for fun. These are fancy tattoo, not permanent, for fashion-style add-ons and it is always been used for helping an individual make up their minds, in choosing the right path on getting a tattoo or not. This temporary …
Piercing Cares…
Did you know that… It has been noted that half of all piercings will require medical attention due to the various dangers of body piercing. This means that when you get pierced, you should be aware of the fact that there is a fifty percent chance …
Butterfly Tattoo…
Butterfly Tattoos are the most popular tattoo among women. A butterfly tattoo pictures a women’s feminine side. Women looks more sexy and hot on this tattoo, there are large and small butterfly designs, the most common are small and tattooed area i…
Ngai te rangi tribe Tattoo…
Did you know that… Tomika Te Mutu, a chief of the Ngai te rangi tribe. In the late-18th and early-19th centuries collecting tattooed Maori heads became so popular in Europe that many Maoris were murdered to supply the trade.
The Maori people i…
Risk On Piercings…
Did you know that… There are several risks of getting pierced. The use of unsanitary piercing instruments can cause infection, including the disease Hepatitis B. Experts advise those looking to get pierced to ask friends or family who have pierci…
Otzi’s First Tattoo…
Did you know that… Otzi, the iceman In October 1991, the 5000 year-old frozen body of a Bronze Age hunter was found between Austria and Italy. His body bore several tattoos.
The body, nicknamed Özti, the iceman, was found in a glacier and …
Sailor’s Tattoo…
Did you know that… Sailors with Tattoos
A pig tattooed on one foot and a rooster on the other were said to protect a seaman from drowning. Neither animal can swim nor was it thought they would help get the sailor swiftly to shore if he fell int…
Tattoo Sense…
Did you know that… The word ‘tattoo‘ is derived from the Tahitian word ‘tatau‘, meaning to mark.
The word ‘tattaw‘ was first used in the published account of Captain Cook’s first voyage, which appeared i…
Urine For Tattoos?…
Did you know that… Urine was sometimes used to mix the coloring matter of early tattoos?
Early coloring materials for tattoos included soot or ink for blue-black and brick dust for reds. To work, these needed to be bound together by a mixing age…
Makeup with Makeups…
All day long, we are worried that our make ups could wear off in anytime if we do such many work, at home, at work, etc. and are we glad that our technology is so advanced, that we won’t have to worry no more and you can have a party after work,…
Prilocaine Facts…
Let us differentiate Prilocaine from others, now I’m giving you some pieces of information about Prilocaine.
Prilocaine is a local anesthetic that help reduce pain and is injected near nerve trunks to produce nerve blocks, which is common…
Can Dr Numb Numb?…
Dr.numb. There are many ways in finding a great tattoo, body piercings, permanent cosmetics, laser hair removal, waxing, tattoo removal, and other minor surgical procedures in worldwide web. But haven’t you considered asking yourselves what is …
Help You On Tattoo…
Now a days, everywhere I look I can see people have different tattoo in their body parts, some are large and even covers up their bodies, men and women. What does a person feels about having a tattoo? Is tattooing can boost their self confidence? …
Purpose of Tattoo…
Added by Drnumb Company’s concern:
Show me a man with a tattoo and
I’ll show you a man with an interesting past. ~Jack London
There are people who wanted to put themselves under a needle, but have ever figured out the reason why people…
Most Pierced Woman…
Did you know that… According to the Guinness World Records, Elaine Davidson is the most pierced woman. A former nurse from Brazil, Davidson has 720 piercings, which is a new and improved number from when Guinness first checked her in 2000. At tha…
Piercing Stats…
Did you know that… One of a study done by Rutgers University found that Gauntlet, an international chain of body piercing shops, reported 30,000 or more piercings per year. According to the study, 63% of college-aged students (18-22) obtain some …
Piercing Popular Terms…
Did you know that… There are several different names for various piercings and they usually don’t relate to the body part that is being pierced. Here are some of the more popular terms:
· conch: a piercing through the main shell of the …
Help me on Eyebrow Loss…
Eyebrow Tattoo
As we get older, our brows drop a bit and if the tattooing is not in the right place, you will look awfully funny with the tattooing a couple of millimeters above your true brows. If you are certain this is what you want, I recommen…
Did you know that… The popular practice of facial and body piercing is not a recent one. Ancient Egyptian (Consider piercing as mark of royalty and signs of wealth), Greek (consider piercing as a badge of macho courage) and Asian art include statues…
A Little Bit Choosy…
Help on tattoo. Let me take you guys from my observing of any typical numbing cream, Actually I was making a research on which numbing cream shall be using on my new tattoo, I planned it on my upper right arm, It is my first time to do it, so I …
Pretium, Punctum, Pierce (Prick, Puncture, Pierce)…
Nose piercing is very attractive, and can accentuate the face, because the nose is the face’s most prominent feature; Leonardo Da Vinci believed that the nose set the character of the whole face.
Nose piercing was first recorded in the Midd…
Saran wrap, is it fatal?…
Help on tattoo. Let me take you guys from my observing of any typical numbing cream, Actually I was making a research on which numbing cream shall be using on my new tattoo, I planned it on my upper right arm, It is my first time to do it, so I h…
Did you know that anesthesia or painkillers also means “Reversible lack of awareness”? Did you know that the first anesthesia was found around 4200BC on Opium poppies which is farmed through Sumeria? Ancient herbal anesthetics have variously …
Peel on the Skin…
The Food and Drugs Administration has officially approved ZARS Pharma’s topical local anesthetic peel, lidocaine 7% and tetracaine 7% cream. A proprietary name has not been approved by the FDA. The anesthetic cream product is indicated for use in ad…
Tattoo Sense…
Did you know that… The word ‘tattoo‘ is derived from the Tahitian word ‘tatau‘, meaning to mark.
The word ‘tattaw‘ was first used in the published account of Captain Cook’s first voyage, which appeared i…
Urine For Tattoo…
Did you know that… Urine was sometimes used to mix the coloring matter of early tattoos?
Early coloring materials for tattoos included soot or ink for blue-black and brick dust for reds. To work, these needed to be bound together by a mixing age…
Sailor’s Tattoo…
Did you know that… Sailors with Tattoos
A pig tattooed on one foot and a rooster on the other were said to protect a seaman from drowning. Neither animal can swim nor was it thought they would help get the sailor swiftly to shore if he fell into…
Tattoo Pain Observed…
Did you know that… The Chief at Sta. Christina by William Hodges, 1776, the severity of pain experienced when being tattooed depends on the location of the tattoo. The most painful areas are those where the skin is very close to the bone, such a…
Practically Pain Free…
Hostess1: Have you ever tried buttocks or thought about it but you’ve been afraid of the needles?
Host2: No one ever thinks of that. Come on david. Every one pretends that they don’t know about it right? Dr. Mallika Marshall is here to talk ab…
Otzi’s First Tattoo…
Did you know that… Otzi, the iceman In October 1991, the 5000 year-old frozen body of a Bronze Age hunter was found between Austria and Italy. His body bore several tattoos.
The body, nicknamed Özti, the iceman, was found in a glacier and was s…
Comb for Tattoing…
Did you know that… Samoan tattoo artists used combs to apply their designs.
On the Pacific island of Samoa, tattooist carried out their art by dipping the pointed teeth of combs into ink and placing them on the surface of the skin. The comb was …
Hapaee Tattoo…
Did you know that… A Night Dance by Men, in Hapaee by John Webber. Tahitians believed that the process of tattooing the body served to contain its sacred power.
The Polynesian view of the body differed from that of the Europeans. Polynesians bel…
Purpose of Tattoo…
“Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past. ” ~Jack London
There are people who wanted to put themselves under a needle, but have ever figured out the reason why people do such? People like it the c…
Buzz Your Tats…
Did you know that… The tattooing machine is based on the design of the doorbell.
The quick poking action of a tattooing machine, which injects the ink into the skin, is driven by an electric circuit very similar to that which operates the househ…
Dutt’s A Tattoo…
An Indian actor (Bollywood), Sanjay Dutt got three new tattoos, said by a source close to him. A tattoo of a Tibetan Om, his birth sign Leo as well as a red-inked tattoo of the numerical one, done on his neck.
“Number one depicts the Sun god and it …
The Enigma…
Paul Lawrence, also known as “The Enigma” was a sideshow performer, musician and an actor. Paul who undergone body modification, including full-body jigsaw puzzle tattoo, horn implants, ear shaping, and multiple body piercing. Soon was married to …
The Unstoppable…
Pauly the Unstoppable, got the biggest stretched nostril in the west and many other body modification and tattoos. He’s been shot at, stabbed, fallen out from high building, run over by car, overdosed by accident and on purpose, set on fire, been fl…
Did you know that aside from Lidocaine which is the most commonly used topical anesthetic? There is something else, which are used to block nerve signals in the body, which is called the Benzocaine, a medicine that is used to reduce pain and discomfo…
Stalking Cat…
Denis Avner, also known as “Stalking Cat” or “Cat Tiger” of Tonopah, Nevada, United States. He has done a surgical modification and tattoo on himself, making himself a resemblance of a tiger.
Cross Tattoo…
The Cross tattoos are among the most flexible tattoo symbols out there today. The word cross was introduced to English in the 10th century as the term for the instrument of the torturous execution of Christ, ultimately from Latin crux, via Old Irish c…
Star Tattoo…
The Star tattoos hold several meanings depending on the type and style of the star. A Star tattoo could be a sign of aspiration and goals that you have set in your own life that hold significant meaning.
Here are some examples:
Shooting Star Tattoo Wh…
Skull Tattoo…
The Skull Tattoo is a symbol of life and death, or, somewhat, the understanding and acceptance of all things that come with living — even death. One of the most recognizable symbols is the skull and crossbones. This symbol is often used to indicate …
Tattoo Instructions…
You can prevent problems from developing at your tattoo site. Review the following procedure and information before making your decision to tattoo a part of your body.
Consider the social or emotional risk of having a tattoo. Many people make negativ…
Zodiac Sign Tattoo…
Most people usually get zodiac symbol tattoos purely as an expression of their belief in the art of astrology. Zodiac symbol tattoos are one of several ways a person can express their personal identity, and can show just one of many things that make t…
Angel Tattoo…
The Angel tattoos are probably one of the most requested tattoo designs today. From a simple design to complex wings and hands, angels come in all shapes, forms and sizes. People generally request an angel tattoo due to their deep and spiritual meani…
Tattoo Problem…
Tattoos have been used by most cultures way way back and recently have become very popular with both men and women. Most people who have a tattoo do not develop any problems. Home After care treatment can help speed up healing and prevent problems.
A …
Phoenix Tattoo…
Phoenix tattoos are said to be the ultimate sign of rebirth and eternal life. To the Greeks and Egyptians, this symbol represented the sun dying at the end of a day and rising in the morning to be reborn. The phoenix is also said to live for five hund…
Saran Wrap…
According to some medical point of views that, placing or covering the skin with a saran wrap after applying a numbing cream makes our skin un able to breathe, that may lead to seizures, irregular heart beats and even death. By the way, in this way of…
Tribal Tattoo…
The Tribal tattoos make up at least one third of all tattoo designs worn by individuals. There is a huge amount of reasons a person might choose to adorn themselves with tribal tattoos. Symbolization varies by origin of the design. Tribal tattoos are …
Let us differentiate Prilocaine from others, now I’m giving you some pieces of information about Prilocaine.
Prilocaine is a local anesthetic that help reduce pain and is injected near nerve trunks to produce nerve blocks, which is commonly used…
Devil Tattoo…
To many, the Devil — or Satan — is a direct symbol of evil and wickedness. But it is not understood that only a small number of people get Devil tattoos to symbolize evil.
In fact, many people get Devil tattoos to show their ties with the pagan wo…
Eagle Tattoo…
Eagle Tattoos are large tattoos which symbolize power, success, freedom, wealth, prosperity, self-confidence, and the pride of nations. These tattoo are typically for male because it symbolizes the character of men. Eagle tattoo are popular among thos…
Flower Tattoo…
Ladies are fond of flower tattoo and the flowers itself. Especially these flowers describe their feminine inside as a lady. Flower tattoos inscribe different meaning according to what it is, like rose for never ending feeling of love and feminine, lil…
Dennis Rodman…
Dennis Keith Rodman also known as “Dennis the Menace” and “The Worm” were born May 13, 1961 in Trenton, New Jersey. Dennis is an American retired professional basketball player of the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Detroit Pisto…
Tupac Shakur…
Tupac Amaru Shakur (June 16, 1971 – September 13, 1996) as the most influential rapper (About.com), also known by his stage names 2Pac and Makaveli, was a famous American rapper. In addition to his status as a top-selling recording rapper artist, Tu…
Francis M…
Francis Durango Magalona (October 4, 1964 – March 6, 2009), also known as Francis Magalona, FrancisM, Master Rapper, and The Man From Manila, was a Filipino rapper, songwriter, producer, actor, director, and photographer. Often hailed as the “…
Mike Tyson…
Michael Gerard “Mike” Tyson, also known as “Malik Abdul Aziz”, “Kid Dynamite”, “Iron Mike”, and “The Baddest Man on the Planet” born June 30, 1966, Tyson is a retired American boxer. He was the undis…
David Beckham…
David Robert Joseph Beckham OBE was born May 2,1975 was an English footballer who currently plays in midfield for American Major League Soccer club Los Angeles Galaxy and the England national team.
Beckham’s career began when he signed a profess…
Peel on the Skin…
he Food and Drugs Administration has officially approved ZARS Pharma’s topical local anesthetic peel,lidocaine 7% and tetracaine 7% cream. A proprietary name has not been approved by the FDA. The anesthetic cream product is indicated for use in adult…
Legalities of Electronic Cigarette…
An electronic cigarette usually takes the form of some manner of elongated tube, though many are designed to resemble the outward appearance of real smoking products, like cigarettes, cigars, and pipes.
[…] Can A Green Mom Get A Tattoo? Share and […]
A cigarette is a product consumed through smoking and manufactured out of cured and finely cut tobaccoleaves and reconstituted tobacco, often combined with other additives, then rolled or stuffed into a paper-wrapped cylinder.
History of Cigarettes…
The earliest forms of cigarettes have been attested in Central America around the 9th century in the form of reeds and smoking tubes. The Maya, and later the Aztecs, smoked tobacco and various psychoactive drugs in religious rituals and frequently depi…
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the fresh leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide, and in the form of nicotine tartrate it is used in some medicines. In consumption it most commonly a…
Smoking is a practice where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practised as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as…
History of Smoking…
The history of smoking can be dated to as early as 5000 BC, and has been recorded in many different cultures across the world. Early smoking evolved in association with religious ceremonies; as offerings to deities, in cleansing rituals or to allow sha…
Cigarette Smoking Statistics…
There are 1.1 billion smokers in the world today, and if current trends continue, that number is expected to increase to 1.6 billion by the year 2025.
Smoking Facts…
Tobacco-brand appearances have been seen in many adolescent and family movies. These include Ghostbusters II, Home Alone 2, Honey I shrunk the Kids, Kindergarten Cop, men in Black and The Nutty Professor.
Quit Smoking…
uperhuman willpower is often associated with using cold turkey to quit smoking. While having strong willpower is important, ultimately your success depends on how badly you want to quit and whether or not you believe you can do it. If you want to quit …
According to the American Heart Association, “Nicotine addiction has historically been one of the hardest addictions to break.” The pharmacological and behavioral characteristics that determine tobacco addiction are similar to those that de…
Electronic Cigarettes are Being Sold to Minors…
MYTH: Electronic cigarettes are being sold to kids.
FACT: Electronic cigarettes are intended for committed smokers of the legal age to smoke.
Electronic Cigarette Flavors Attract Minors…
MYTH: Electronic cigarette cartridges offer many flavors in order to attract adolescent users.
FACT: Many adult-intended products offer a variety of flavors.
Electronic Cigarette To Non-Smokers…
MYTH: Electronic cigarettes make nicotine readily available to non-smokers.
FACT: Electronic cigarettes are marketed to current smokers, not non-smokers.
What is in Electronic Cigarettes?…
MYTH: No one knows what is in electronic cigarettes.
FACT: Multiple studies have been conducted and the ingredients are well known.
Electronic Cigarette Market…
MYTH: Electronic cigarettes cannot be legally marketed in the US.
FACT: The FDA has not issued any formal guidance on electronic cigarettes.
Stop From Smoking…
MYTH: You can stop people from smoking.
FACT: Tobacco smoking increased in the US in 2008 for the first time since 1965.
Nicotine Is Bad For Us…
MYTH: Nicotine is bad for you.
FACT: The long-term use of nicotine is orders of magnitude safer than tobacco smoking.
List of Some Disease Cost by Smoking…
The list of diseases caused by smoking includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema), coronary heart disease, stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysm, acute myeloid leukemia,cataract, pneumonia, periodontit…
Second Hand Smokers…
Second-hand smoke consists of mainstream smoke, the smoke inhaled and exhaled by the smoker, and side stream smoke, the smoke released directly from the end of a burning cigarette.
Smoke does a lot of damage – and not just to smokers. Anyone who’s …
Shisha | Cigarette Alternatives…
A hookah or shisha is a single or multi-stemmed (often glass-based) water pipe for smoking. Originally fromIndia, hookah has gained immense popularity, especially in the Middle East and is gaining popularity in the USA, UK, Canada, and elsewhere. Today…
History of Shisha…
In India in the court of the Mughal emperor Akbar following the European introduction of tobacco to India, Hakim Abul Fateh Gilani a descendant of Abdul Qadir Al-Gilani came from Baghdad to India who was later a physician in the court of Mughal raised …
Cheaper Electronic Cigarettes…
Electronic Cigarettes are an alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. The cigarettes consist of 3 parts: a battery, a vaporizer (with microchip) and a mouthpiece (nicotine or nicotine-free cartridges with different flavors). The electronic cigare…
Smokers Calculator…
Time for a change, if you want to compute how much cigarette you smoked the day when you had started smoking, just click on the calculator image and compute now how much you spent for the years had passed.
Cheaper Electronic Cigarettes…
Electronic Cigarettes are an alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. The cigarettes consist of 3 parts: a battery, a vaporizer (with microchip) and a mouthpiece (nicotine or nicotine-free cartridges with different flavors). The electronic cigare…
Second Hand Smokers…
Every year, approximately 110 non-smokers in B.C. die from diseases brought on by second-hand smoke (sometimes called environmental tobacco smoke or “ETS”). Thousands more become sick.
Second-hand smoke consists of mainstream smoke, the smo…
Disease Cost by Smoking…
The list of diseases caused by smoking includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema), coronary heart disease, stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysm, acute myeloid leukemia, cataract, pneumonia, periodonti…
Nicotine Is Bad For Us…
MYTH: Nicotine is bad for you.
FACT: The long-term use of nicotine is orders of magnitude safer than tobacco smoking.
Nicotine suffers from guilt-by-association with tobacco. The carcinogenic properties of nicotine in a standalone form, separated f…
Stop From Smoking…
MYTH: You can stop people from smoking.
FACT: Tobacco smoking increased in the US in 2008 for the first time since 1965.
After a 30-year decline in tobacco smoking in the U.S., the percentage of US adults who smoke tobacco increased in 2008 and f…
Electronic Cigarette Market…
MYTH: Electronic cigarettes cannot be legally marketed in the US.
FACT: The FDA has not issued any formal guidance on electronic cigarettes.
While it is true that some manufacturers have had the importation of their products stopped, it is also t…
What is in Electronic Cigarettes?…
MYTH: No one knows what is in electronic cigarettes.
FACT: Multiple studies have been conducted and the ingredients are well known.
Multiple studies by different laboratories around the globe have been conducted identifying that the vapor that is…
Nicotine Ready Electronic Cigarette…
MYTH: Electronic cigarettes make nicotine readily available to non-smokers.
FACT: Electronic cigarettes are marketed to current smokers, not non-smokers.
Nicotine is widely available in over-the-counter products including tobacco cigarettes and s…
Cigarette Flavors Attract Minors…
MYTH: Electronic cigarette cartridges offer many flavors in order to attract adolescent users.
FACT: Many adult-intended products offer a variety of flavors.
The preference for flavor is universal and not age-specific. Products of all types offer…
Electronic Cigarettes are Being Sold to Minors…
MYTH: Electronic cigarettes are being sold to kids.
FACT: Electronic cigarettes are intended for committed smokers of the legal age to smoke.
The industry advocates proper labeling, encourages retailers to check identification of customers and no…
According to the American Heart Association, “Nicotine addiction has historically been one of the hardest addictions to break.” The pharmacological and behavioral characteristics that determine tobacco addiction are similar to those that de…
Quit Smoking…
Whatever the actual origin, quitting smoking cold turkey is probably the most popular, while not necessarily the most successful, method for quitting. It may also be the most challenging due to the severity of withdrawal symptoms the new ex-smoker face…
Smoking Facts…
Kentucky is the nation’s leading tobacco grower.
The biggest percentage of the world’s tobacco is grown in China.
Large amounts of nicotine was once given to elephants in order to put them to sleep via animal dart guns.
The Centers for Dise…
Cigarette Smoking Statistics…
Tobacco use is expected to claim one billion lives this century unless serious anti-smoking efforts are made on a global level.
Every eight seconds, a human life is lost to tobacco use somewhere in the world. That translates to approximately 5 million …
History of Smoking…
The history of smoking can be dated to as early as 5000 BC, and has been recorded in many different cultures across the world. Early smoking evolved in association with religious ceremonies; as offerings to deities, in cleansing rituals or to allow sha…
Smoking is a practice where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practised as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases theactive substances in drugs such as …
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the fresh leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide, and in the form of nicotine tartrate it is used in some medicines. In consumption it most commonly a…
History of Cigarettes…
The earliest forms of cigarettes have been attested in Central America around the 9th century in the form of reeds and smoking tubes. The Maya, and later the Aztecs, smoked tobacco and various psychoactive drugs in religious rituals and frequently depi…
A cigarette is a product consumed through smoking and manufactured out of cured and finely cut tobaccoleaves and reconstituted tobacco, often combined with other additives, then rolled or stuffed into a paper-wrapped cylinder. The cigarette is ignited …
Benefits of Electronic Cigarette…
Doesnt contain Tobacco or Tar
Does not cause Lung Cancer
Does not produce Carbon Monoxide
Doesnt contain harmful chemicals
Looks exactly like a real cigarette
Tastes and Feels like a real cigarette
Can be smoked legally anywhere (even in front of a bab…
Legalities of Electronic Cigarette…
In Australia, the sale of electronic cigarettes containing nicotine is illegal.
In Austria electronic cigarettes are considered medical devices, and nicotine cartridges medicinal products. Therefore electronic cigarettes need to be CE-marked, and nicot…
Smokers Calculator…
Time for a change, if you want to compute how much cigarette you smoked the day when you had started smoking, just click on the calculator image and compute now how much you spent for the years had passed.
Smoking is Fun…
What is the nature of this psychological pleasure? It can be traced to the universal desire for self-expression. None of us ever completely outgrows his childhood. We are constantly hunting for the carefree enjoyment we knew as children. As we grew old…