Travel Green to BlogHer ’10

In less than two weeks more than one-thousand bloggers of all ages, races and yes, sexes will descend on New York City. Ushered in on a cloud of anticipation, excitement and social media they will spend two days learning, connecting and yes, partying.

This year, as in years past, BlogHer is working to implement important green initiatives conference wide — an exciting development in and of itself — and paired with the cooperation of individual attendees and the coordinated efforts of every blogger who travels to the conference we can have an even greater impact on the environment for the better! Here’s how to make a difference:

Pack Light – There’s a reason airlines weigh your baggage. Heavy luggage requires more fuel to transport. Simplify your wardrobe, slim down your selection of shoes. Not only can you save the environment, you may just be able to skip the luggage claim altogether by carrying everything on the plane with you.

Reusable Bottles: Not Just for Water – Pack your liquid toiletries, such as shampoo and conditioner, in reusable travel-sized bottles instead of purchasing single-use minis or using the hotel’s complimentary supplies.

Cab Pool – Utilize that social media network you’ve worked so hard to build. Connect with other bloggers who are flying into New York City around the same time you are and cab pool to the hotel to save both money and fuel. Better yet: take a shuttle.

Snack Smart – A couple reusable bags of trail mix can go a long way in saving packaging if hunger strikes between home and your destination.

Do you have green travel tips to add to our BlogHer ’10 guide? Leave a comment!

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Diana Prichard is the Managing Editor of 5 Minutes for Going Green, a Freelance Writer, Owner of the small, sustainable farm Olive Hill and Food Columnist at Try Handmade.

2 Responses to Travel Green to BlogHer ’10
  1. Felicia
    July 23, 2010 | 7:27 pm

    When I travel, I pack an EMPTY water bottle in my carry-on bag. Then, when I get through to my gate, I stop by one of the restaurants and kindly ask someone to fill it with water. I recommend using a plastic bottle because the stainless steel ones caused me to get stopped and checked more than once :(

  2. Felicia
    August 4, 2010 | 10:05 pm

    Wondering if those heading to NY for BlogHer would be interested in a fund raiser that starts next week (August 15th) for the Lower Eastside Girls Club. While you are in NY consider swinging by, these girls are an inspiration to me! You can learn more about the green event by googling “Believe in Green”. Wish I could join you ladies up north. Have a fabulous time!