I’m calling myself this today. When it comes to going “green”, having a green website, being recognized locally for my efforts and just being noticed more for going green in my small town…I sometimes feel the pressure. For example, I had coffee the other day with a family member and as we drank “organic” coffee I added sweet and low to my drink. She seemed surprised and called me out on this. “How can you be green and natural and use man made sugar?”, she said. Good point. Except, I went through weight watchers and lost a ton of weight and became addicted to diet soda and sweet and low because of the “0” points. I’m trying to break my bad habit, and I know it isn’t healthy.
It’s hard to break habits and just suddenly be more green and natural, regardless of my business and beliefs. Even when I walk the straight and narrow, something happens and I stray to more conventional methods. When my daughter was stung by the biggest bumblebee I’ve ever seen and her leg got red and swollen, Benedryl here I come! When it got worse, I ran to the emergency room where guess what, home remedies weren’t recommended! So I try to use homeopathic remedies, but I also buy over the counter pain relief medicine. Because sometimes, I just don’t know any other way.
I feel like a hypocrite, today. Tomorrow, I’ll feel better because everyday is a new day. Going green is a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. Learning about new ways to clean, cook, shop, drive, heal and be healthy, takes time. I’m learning, and I’m not perfect, but none of us are. Next time I go to the store, maybe I won’t buy any Sweet and Low and I’ll learn to drink coffee without it. The key word is L-E-A-R-N! If I do something small every day, and just take 5 minutes, I’m a little bit greener. And that’s what counts.
Original post written for 5 Minutes for Going Green
Read more from Sommer over at Green & Clean Mom, where she writes about being some shade of green every day. Subscribe to her blog here and don’t miss out her latest finds, contests, giveaways and sexy and sassy green tips!
This post resonates with me, but I also try to remind people that “going green” and “being green” are a process. At the same time, I struggle with my own guilt and wastefulness…and reliance on human medicine in order to heal my son (he is having his adenoids out next week…I think).
It is a process…I am only mint green somedays. But, I am trying to be aware. Great blog…my new favorite!
This is very true. I even wrote about this on my blog one day. It’s a gradual “conversion” I think. A journey. One that just keeps on going!
I know my family is a “green” work in progress. We have taken some small steps, but we still have a long way to go.
I enjoy reading your blog, so don’t get to discouraged. Keep on blogging!
Thanks for being honest. It always makes me feel better to know that “greenies” aren’t perfect, either!
I do my best, but I, too, fail in some green aspects. We can’t do everything at once! We drive an SUV because it is what works for my family. But, we don’t drive a lot. We commute on busses or by bike, walk to the places that we can, and combine errands. Sometimes on those errands I forget my reusable bags…and I sometimes end up buying non organic food because it’s what we can afford!
So, again, thank you for being honest! It’s okay to “mess up” and go conventional now and then. It’s certainly easier, sometimes, and there is nothing wrong with it!
I’m with you, girl! I’m the granola nut in my family…especially when it comes to bumping the A/C waaaaayyyyy up and basically living in the dark because I don’t want to waste electricity. But then I look at my computer that runs 24/7 and I think…ummmm….HYPOCRITE!!! (sigh) But I’m learning too….
Thanks for the support everyone! I think we all just do our best everyday. We’re getting there…little by little.
Your honesty is truly refreshing. I get these kinds of looks and comments all the time from my friends and family members, particularly because I’m not (yet) vegan. We all have those little conveniences that are hard to give up and we’re only human. At least we’re all making the effort, and that’s what counts. You are conscious enough to call yourself a hypocrite and feel guilty because of it, so you must be doing something right :)
Over-the-counter medicine is something I often do without thinking too. And I just bought my toddler Flinstone’s vitamins completely forgetting to read the ingredients (uh, sugar, artificial colors, duh!). Thanks for the confession, it’s good to know others have their not-so-green weaknesses too.
Thanks putting it on the table Sommer,
I know what you mean about the guilt thing! I try to look at it as a hindsight thing and know that I’ll make a better decision next time, because you are right, we are learning and we are all in this together :)
thanks for your honesty. i think it’s important to note that this really is a step-by-step journey and process. i’ve come a long way in 4+ years (since ava’s birth when i started to really get serious about green living), but i continue to make changes all of the time. who knows where i’ll be in another 4 years. :) we all keep learning as we go. :)