

My husband Andy has a wonderful saying when people ask us about our journey towards a green lifestyle in Chicago. He says ” We are olive. Not quite green but getting there.” It feels like there is so much to learn and frankly, so much to unlearn that it can be overwhelming. It isn’t about where I am in the process, but that I am in the process of making changes both big and small. I find my biggest lessons come from the messages I share with my kids. “Focus on the effort you give something not the end result” I suggest to them. And therein lies our journey.

Looking back, our lifestyle was extremely indulgent, materialistic and wasteful. I guess that gives us a lot of room for improvement! An epiphany opened my eyes earlier this year when my son had surgery. As you can imagine, I thought about so many things while I waited and then watched him drift in and out of sleep as he recovered. Would Chaz be in pain? Was the surgery successful? I could feel the grip of reality encircle me and the little inconsequential things just seem to slip away. Have you ever had that feeling where you just wanted one more shot and you would do things differently? (I guess that is why It’s A Wonderful Life is so popular, right?)

Soon afterward, life became very simple for the first time. Andy and I made some significant changes enabling me to be home with our two sons while I started an eco friendly business. I have never felt more free. Once I let go of the “stuff” – the attachments to things and directed my focus to people I became a new empowered person. Along with my newfound freedom, a flood of creativity swept over me. Now I invent, I write, I paint, I laugh, I sketch, I learn, I connect.

Grounded and fulfilled for the first time in my life, I started a group for families just like us. As the founder of Chicago Green Families, I host play dates that focus on reusing recycling bin scraps and flower pigments for art projects, organic gardening and rethinking how we approach our everyday lives. Each Saturday morning our families meet at the Green City Market to buy our groceries, meats and produce from the stands of local farms and organic businesses. Such a wonderful opportunity to connect over crepes and smoothies while the kids play and we watch award winning chefs create delicious organic meals.

Just this week I watched Chaz as he carefully navigated his little wheelbarrow down the aisle where the corn we planted ourselves was sprouting. Meanwhile Jack and Zoey ran down the aisles of herbs to tell us how good the sugar snap peas are & asked for permission to bring some home for our dinner. Their smiles contained everything my prior lifestyle lacked- a connection to the earth, to health, to our community and to each other. It isn’t always perfect and isn’t always green but it is the journey I am on and for that I am blessed.

Original 5 Minutes for Going Green Post. You can read more from Jennifer at her blog The EcoChic Organizer and subscribe to her blog at www.functionandspace.blogpsot.com.

11 Responses to Olive
  1. Arianne (To Think Is To Create)
    July 12, 2008 | 1:31 pm

    I absolutely love this post. Will you adopt me?

  2. Beth (Coming Up For Air)
    July 12, 2008 | 3:47 pm

    I love this post. It’s full of “I wanted to do it, so I did” attitude! It’s very inspiring and I hope other people find it as encouraging as I do!! :)

  3. Jennifer (The Eco Chic Organizer)
    July 12, 2008 | 4:28 pm

    Thanks guys!! Now if I could only balance my composter! I fried the electrical panel & am waiting for a new one. Anyone out there successful with the Nature Mill? Here I got all fancy schmancy with my wormless variety and it backfires on me!! I wonder if it was making a statement about us eating out too much? It went on strike! :)

  4. Em
    July 12, 2008 | 6:10 pm

    I am trying so hard to go green at my house. I’m slowly converting my husband to more green concepts, but being in the landscaping business makes it hard for him to ‘unlearn’ the old ways! I also need to get my compost working better – If I had some chicken manure to throw in there I would be much happier! Oh – I just started a new blog chronicling my backyard chicken saga. It’s http://www.wfchickens.blogspot.com. I was actually on the local news last night!

  5. Jennifer, Snapshot
    July 12, 2008 | 9:15 pm

    Ha–that’s so funny, because yesterday I was thinking about this site, and all the info, and all the small (very small) changes I’ve made over the last year or so, and thinking that I’m sort of sage–light sage–maybe an eggshell white with a bit of a greenish hue, but every little bit helps.

  6. Monica (Healthy Green Moms)
    July 12, 2008 | 11:46 pm

    Great post, I loved it!
    Crepes hey? I must see if I can wrangle those at our market, lucky dogs!

  7. debi b
    July 13, 2008 | 1:15 am

    I am olive too! And, pretty newly olive as well.
    I have to say, it was a very similar experience that made me decided to let go of our past life style…it involved my son Will who is disabled. We were told that he would probably never walk (he’s 21 months old) and the day he took his first steps… well, i just knew that nothing else in life mattered as much as the little things.
    And, right then, we changed everything.
    :) debi
    ps My family thinks I am crazy. UGH!

  8. Jennifer (The Eco Chic Organizer)
    July 13, 2008 | 10:28 am

    Thanks Em- I have to check out your blog. Chicken manure? I need to learn more!! Congrats on the tv appearance – that is fabulous!

    Thank you Debi B for sharing your story. How amazing & wonderful. My family too! Growing up my family ran a drycleaning plant… a story for another day!!!

  9. Adventures In Babywearing
    July 13, 2008 | 12:28 pm

    I do have to say you are quite inspiring, Jen!! And I’m loving loving loving this site, Arianne!


  10. Around the Sisterhood
    July 14, 2008 | 6:45 am

    […] Jess is helping us be Water Wise at "5 Minutes for Going Green" and Jennifer is calling herself Olive. […]

  11. Am I Green Enough?
    July 21, 2008 | 8:01 am

    […] of Seinfeld. These are hexadecimal values or “hex colors” and they are all shades of green. Jennifer K. and her husband are olive and after reading Sommer’s post, I felt compelled to share a little […]