Join Us for the Eat Local Challenge

It is no secret that I love food. Local, slow, whole, delicious food. It should be no surprise then that I simply could not resist the opportunity to spread the word that the fifth annual Eat Local Challenge is underway.

I don’t recall a fundamental shift in perception ever having taken place. Rather, it was a slow and steady evolution that led us to curb our long-distance consumption at the dinner table. It wasn’t a conscious decision made, but it did turn out most convenient and achievable that way. I imagine much in the same ways that it would be most achievable for other families to go about it in the same way; slowly integrating local when and where it’s most possible.

But there’s also something uniquely exhilarating about a sudden dramatic shift in routine, a rush in making a big change and making it stick. That’s why this year I’m participating in the Eat Local Challenge, because for as many things we’ve replaced with local alternatives there are just as many others — most vices, no doubt — that still need replacing. And I’m hoping you’ll join me.

Throughout the month of October I’ll be blogging here, there and everywhere — both in and out of line with the official weekly themes — my thoughts on eating locally; in support of, about the oppositionto and everything in between.

If you join in (by leaving a comment with links to your posts on the topic here), I’ll personally stop by and leave you a comment, but not only that, I’ll be featuring my favorite Eat Local Challenge posts here every week! Comments, 5 Minutes for Going Green fame and fortune and the rush of doing something good and exciting for yourself and your family? Can’t beat it! And you know what they say, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

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Diana Prichard is a rural-living freelance writer, wife and mother of two who loves black toenail polish, taking pictures, vintage-styled aprons, dark chocolate, tomato sandwiches, lip gloss, t-shirts, flip flops, and mason jars. Her work and life can be found on her self-titled personal blog.

4 Responses to Join Us for the Eat Local Challenge
  1. Rachel McFadden
    October 9, 2009 | 11:59 am
  2. Fresh and Local Food for the Entire Family
    October 9, 2009 | 12:01 pm

    […] more on the eat local challenge, visit If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my regular Email […]

  3. Mary @ Parenthood
    October 10, 2009 | 7:49 am

    Such a great idea! I’m hoping to write a post about this later this week.

    We already try to eat local through our vegetable basket (which I previously wrote about here and here). The bonus is that it is local and mostly heirloom vegetables!

    In fact, our Thanksgiving dinner will feature mostly local food including some pretty nice local beef! – didn’t get around to ordering a turkey soon enough and besides my brother-in-law is not a turkey fan…

  4. Janice (5 Minutes for Mom)
    October 15, 2009 | 7:42 pm

    GREAT challenge girl!

    I love living in the suburbs now because we are mixed right in with the farms. We can get so much more local grown – and oh so tasty – produce just a couple blocks from my house.

    And all the produce my favorite farm market grows on their property is grown without sprays! LOVE it! I am so sad when their lettuce season ends. I LIVE on their lettuce.