Around The Greenosphere: Weekly Link Roundup

It’s been a busy week around the greenosphere!

Here are some highlights to get you through the blustery* weekend ahead:

  • CNN’s award-winning documentary Planet in Peril is back! Watch “Planet in Peril: Battle Lines” in HDTV on CNN at 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, hosted by Anderson Cooper, chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Oprah Winfrey Show correspondent and National Geographic host Lisa Ling. This year the series examines the environmental conflicts between growing populations and natural resources. Don’t forget to tune in for the series’ regular night and time, Thursday nights at 9pm EST on CNN, or subscribe to the video podcasts.

  • The Leash We Can Do is a company committed to the health of both pets and the environment. Their mission is to offer pet products that are natural, organic and made with recycled products. In addition to their environmental focus, they also believe in supporting small businesses that keep production in the USA. This year The Leash We Can Do is offering a variety of Holiday Gift Sets. The gift sets come in a reusable tote and contain some great green products. But wait, it gets better. Leash We Can Do is offering all 5 Minutes for Going Green readers 10% off their gift sets. Just enter the code 5min10 at checkout to receive the discount! In addition to the ability to give a green gift, a portion of the proceeds from all gift sets will go to Pets For The Environment. Win, win!
  • Doreen at Mom Goes Green has a helpful gift guide highlighting gifts that can really give back to the environment this holiday season. Go learn how you can adopt an acre of rainforest, help save an endangered species, or plant a tree on behalf of your family and friends this year.
  • Check out this online luxury gift boutique selling only products from eco-conscious and socially responsible designers. Selling a range of great products for children, women, men and home Elegant Roots is unique in that they make the product history completely available and transparent to consumers. They tell you who made the product, what it’s made from, where it was made, and why (beyond form and function; why is it worth buying?), so that you as an eco-conscious consumer can feel good about what you are buying and giving.

*Unless you live in Southern California. In which case: think of all of us wrapping ourselves in scarves and hats and mittens and be grateful jealous.

Happy! weekend, all.

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