First things first! Don’t forget that you still have until 7pm EST on Sunday (December 7th) to enter the Home Depot Programmable Thermostat Giveway if you haven’t already. Don’t miss out!
It’s definitely the Giveway Season and Michelle has a handy-dandy way for you to stay a leg up on all the giveaway goodness with her Giveway Message Board, where there are myriad green products being offered for the winning.
One of the giveaways showcased on the aforementioned message board features clothing items for Wildlife Works, a San Francisco based company committed to animal conservation:
Founded in San Francisco in 1997, we are the world’s first business designed from the ground up around a consumer brand that stands for wildlife conservation. Our promise to every customer is that we use the proceeds of our product sales to save endangered and threatened wildlife around the globe.
We’re achieving this by protecting wilderness habitats, creating jobs, building schools and providing other economic benefits for those people who share their land and resources with wildlife.
By purchasing a Wildlife Works product, you’re joining our conservation revolution. You’re wearing the brand that says you won’t sit quietly by while the last wild things in the last wild places disappear forever.
Read more about Wildlife Works’ mission here.
Jumpstart to Green offers kits on their website to help homeowners start living a more eco-friendly life, one step at a time. The kit includes a collection of products and tools that help you save energy, paper, and water. They also offer a Guide to Green that helps you keep track of your resource use, so you can make small changes that will ultimately make a big impact.
Bacchus Press wants to help you meeting your personal and business printing needs while remaining environmentally friendly:
“Printing Green” Conserves Energy and Trees
Most people would be surprised to learn that the paper and printing industry ranks fourth among manufacturers in the amount of energy used. Producing paper and the electricity used for factory operations, as well as the actual printing process, demand lots of fossil fuels. Printers, thus, are major users of natural resources.
Certified Green Printers like Bacchus Press keep track of their total energy usage and implement strategies for offsetting the environmental impact of their businesses. The goal is to be a “sustainable printer.” What does this mean?
Being a sustainable printer means carefully planning jobs to minimize electricity use. It also means ensuring that paper is sourced only from companies certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) because it tells us that the paper comes from well-managed forests that adhere to strict environmental standards. It means making sure that only sustainable products are sourced for the printing process. It means recycling and reusing paper and other supplies whenever possible.
Over at the Simple, Green, Frugal Co-Op Paul Gardener has a great low-budget environmentally friendly gift idea that involves my favorite kind of bread. Go see for yourself!
Ecogeek has the scoop on the December 2nd ground breaking of Florida Power & Light’s new solar thermal facility.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much! Hope you’re having a great holiday season!