Tag Archive: healthy living

High Fructose Corn Syrup: The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

I have mentioned several times on this website as well as my own, that my green living journey began with a better nutrition journey. In my mind now, these two go hand in hand. You simply cannot live a green lifestyle and put bad foods into your body. Once you become conscientious about what you do to the environment, you also begin to be conscientious about what goes in your own personal environment – the body. You start to read more about foods, read labels, cook with fresher ingredients and shop smarter. However, just because something is labeled “natural” does not mean chemically it is good for you.

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Mind, Body and Spirit: An Environment Worth Preserving

A Going Green Checklist:

  1. Learning to conserve energy? Check.
  2. Reusable shopping bags? Check.
  3. Shopping local? Check.
  4. Making greener choices at the market? Check.
  5. Using greener cleaning products or natural alternatives at home? Check.
  6. Reducing water waste? Check.
  7. Growing our own produce? Check.
  8. Driving less? Check.
  9. Treating my body like an environment worth preserving? Ummmm……check?

Did that last one stump you? In all your efforts to go green in your life, home, and community, have you forgotten something very important? We spend lots of time greening up our homes, our communities, and learning to eat better. We make choices everyday to put the environment first and preserve nature and habitats.

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Ready, Set, Go: Your Green Getting Started Guide

When I had my son, four years ago I was far from green, but my husband was–kind of. He was the one that hassled me to recycle or to not go over board on purchasing and consumption. I was the wife that threw the soup can out verses cleaning it and recycling. Sorry, but I just wasn’t in to it and frankly, I didn’t get it. Now, I’ve got it. Funny thing is, it took having my second child for me to wrap my head around toxic chemicals and how bad they are and how I want to be more earth friendly.

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Jolly Green Hypocrite

I’m calling myself this today. When it comes to going “green”, having a green website, being recognized locally for my efforts and just being noticed more for going green in my small town…I sometimes feel the pressure. For example, I had coffee the other day with a family member and as we drank “organic” coffee I added sweet and low to my drink. She seemed surprised and called me out on this. “How can you be green and natural and use man made sugar?”, she said. Good point. Except, I went through weight watchers and lost a ton of weight and became addicted to diet soda and sweet and low because of the “0” points.

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