Holiday Card Wreath

Undeniably one of my favorite things about the holiday season is the holiday cards.

Despite switching to YouTube to send our video holiday greetings, I still adore the old school holiday card sent via mail. Being the organizer that I am, I started to wonder how to display and then store the cards in a way that was space efficient, chic and functional.

What better than a wreath made of your holiday cards?

Involve the whole family and you’ll have a fun and simple craft that will create a holiday keepsake to enjoy year after year. Create one per season or, like we did, one for the family and one for the kids comprised of cards from their favorite classmates. The wreath is a quintessential holiday item and enhances your decor by gracing doors and windows throughout your home.

Holiday Wreath Craft How-To:

1. Gather your holiday cards and separate into two piles: cards that hold sentimental value and cards with patterns and colors that you enjoy.

2. Cut leaf patterns from both piles of cards. We used scissors with jagged edges to simulate the edge of a leaf, but you can use any scissors that provide the desired effect.

3. Look in your recycling bin and grab any stiff cardboard piece for the base of the wreath. We used a side of a cereal box for our wreath. Simply cut a circle shape and cut out the center.

4. Arrange your favorite pieces of cards, photos and patterns to create a base while being mindful that you will have several layers. Strategically place leaves so that faces are unobstructed.

5. Secure leaves to the base by using glue that you already have in your home or get really crafty and make your own homemade glue. (Craft stores are a great place to start if you don’t have any glue in the house. As for home-made glue recipes try this site.) As you get additional cards you can add to both the top layer and behind the base layer so that the tips of the cards are visible.

6. While drying, I placed a heavy object on top to keep the wreath as flat as possible during the drying process.

7. To hang, simply attach a recycled bow, ribbon, or hemp twine depending on your decor, and enjoy!

I love the fact that this craft can include all your family members, and that each leaf chosen will have special meaning to you and your family.

Your holiday card wreath will be a keepsake that yearly walks you down memory lane, while becoming a festive addition to your holiday decor. Plus: no more bundling up the cards of holidays past to just to sit and gather dust. Perfect!

The photo is our recently made holiday card wreath; click the link for a larger view.

An Original 5 Minutes for Going Green post. You can read more about Jen’s journey going green and raising a family at her blog The Eco Chic Organizer.

One Response to Holiday Card Wreath
  1. Angela-BecomingMe
    December 29, 2008 | 7:43 pm

    I love this idea. I did something similar, but this is way better.